美学与专业并存的监听音箱:叮咚音频正式成为Telegrapher 大中华区独家代理

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2024年4月《Midifan月刊》电子杂志发行,8 篇技术文章在线阅读

低频灵魂,不同凡响:Earthworks DM6 打击乐专用话筒评测


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    威摩达品牌 beyerdynamic拜亚动力DT660 DT770 DT860 DT880 DT990
    价格 158.00
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    V-MOTA品牌 TDA耳机盒 拜亚动力beyerdynamic T1 T5 DT660 T
    价格 158.00
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    Articles on Grooveboxes, Including: Roland Tb-303, Roland Tr-808, Groovebox, Roland Tr-909, Roland MC-303,
    价格 163.00
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    Articles on Music Workstations, Including: Korg M1, Korg Triton, Ensoniq Esq-1, Ensoniq Mr61, Korg Oasys, Korg Karma, Yamaha Motif, Korg Trinity, Roland Fantom-X, Ensoniq Ts 10, Y

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    Articles on Yamaha Synthesizers, Including: Yamaha Dx7, Yamaha CS-80, Yamaha An1x

    价格 163.00
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    Divine Concordance of Light: A Handbook from Heaven to Progression Earth - Collectanea One: Seven Studies of Soul Stations or Soul-Ar Progressions Upon Each o

    价格 177.00
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    Articles on G7 Welcoming Committee Records, Including: Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, John K. Samson, the (International) Noise Conspiracy, Propagandhi, C

    价格 177.00
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    Ubit IK Multimedia iRig Mic 苹果唱K专用麦克风 iphone/ipad录音麦克话筒

    价格 188.00
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    The Necessary Evil; A One-Act Stage Play for Four Persons: To Be Played in the Light

    价格 192.00
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    Superlux 舒伯乐 PRO258 专业人声动圈式麦克风

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    Lola & Foxy Blue Ranch 1-Inch Wide Dog Leash, 5-Feet Long, Light Blue

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    Fauna of the Caatinga, Including: Bananaquit, Red-Eyed Vireo, Greyish Saltator, Rufous-Tailed Jacamar, Blue-Fronted Amazon, Ruby-Topaz Hummingbird, Bo

    价格 211.00
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    JOHN BOSS 约翰老板 英伦风尚真空杯 HB-SY26 201mL(含)-300mL(含) 蓝色

    价格 218.00
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    Little Blue Mouse in a Big Blue House

    价格 246.10
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    Articles on Birds of the Cerrado, Including: Bananaquit, Red-Eyed Vireo, Jabiru, Rufous-Tailed Jacamar, Blue-Fronted Amazon, Ruby-Topaz Hummingbird, B

    价格 252.00
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    The One Church: In the Light of the New Testament

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    Superlux 舒伯乐 HD681F 专业监听级耳机 黑色

    价格 258.00
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    Fauna of the Cerrado, Including: Bananaquit, Red-Eyed Vireo, Jabiru, Rufous-Tailed Jacamar, Blue-Fronted Amazon, Ruby-Topaz Hummingbird, Blue
    价格 259.00
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    Light, Book One: The Physical Facts Set Forth Showing Fulfillment of the Revelation Which God Gave Unto Jesus Christ

    价格 262.00
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    AKG 爱科技 K512 头戴式监听耳机(入门级监听耳机)

    价格 284.00
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